lördag 2 februari 2013


Min bror frågade mig om jag kunde göra ett födelsedagskort till en av hans kompisar och här är resultatet.
Hattnålarna eller vad de nu kallas var vita från början men de passade inte in så de blev lila med hjälp av Zig brushables även bokstäverna blev lila.

 Insidan på kortet. 
Jag fick veta att hon gillade hästar och som tur var hittade jag ett papper med hästar i samma pappersserie

Baksidan på kortet, bara lite stickles så var kortet färdigt
Ett enkelt kort, papperna är så otroligt fina att man inte behöver göra mycket för att de ska bli bra. Jag är väldigt nöjd med detta kort och det är första gången som jag skapar med lila.

3 kommentarer:

sara s sa...

Jättefint kort!
Fiffigt att låta papperet göra jobbet och vad snyggt du fått ihop alla sidor!

Majsan sa...

ÅHH såå supersnyggt kort, såå perfekt med insidan, passar ju perfekt till en som gillar hästar!


Sherry sa...

Hi Jenny, so nice to see you on my blog today. My butterflies are my FAV!! They are so much more gorgeous in person, as the camera doesn't pick up the glitter. I just love em .. and diffinetly all about the glitter.
The butterflies I usually cute are from a Die From Money Box. I also use Sookwang double sided sheets. they come in sheets 12 in x 8ish inches. I first cut a piece of cardstock matching the size of Die.. for my challenge kit.. I have to sue one of the papers included so the back is usually some crazy color, but you don't see that anyway. If I'm making then for someone, or making them for my layout.. I always use a good quality cardstock. I peal one side of the sticky tape.. which is cut in the same site af the cardstock and i stick it together.. I like to put the white size of the tape cover up. I Then slip the die under the cardstock with the die blades facing up. I usually go once or maybe twice.. I don't really want to cut all the way through... just want it to cut the white side of the sookwang tape.. As long as you have a cut outside pattern of the butterfly, and you can peel or cut the butterfly out with a good clean pair of sizzors. the top sheet of the paper should be cut so you can use a tool and pick off layers... BUT before you do that.... You need Microfine Glitter. I've tried others.... but it just does't look as nice. the fine glitter lays down so nicely. Once you see that you can remove each little section you have to now decide your color scheme. Which btw.. doesn't always look as good on paper as it does in your head LOL don't that a few times. Your best best is to start out with the darkest color first. I always use black as the outline so I peal carefully the tape top off where the black will go.. This is when you have to be careful as you can lift another one and it doesn't like to re stick as nice.. so you risk getting black where you don't want it. So once you've removed the tape to expose the sticky part.. you can sprinkle the black all over the butterfly. ribbomg small circles to get as much of the black glitter to adhere. This circular makes the glitter lay down flat.. so sticks so much better. If you don't have and you plan on making more of these for your layouts.. I'd invest in a silicon glitter picker upper.. LOL new name I just gave it. rub the silicon mat over the whole butterfly.. black an all.. it will pick up any loose glitter. Then you can sstart taking the tape off the inside of the butterfly, using the design color scheme you want. but only do one color at a time. Repeat as you did with the black.. try not to rub it over the black.. at no mater how hard you try will will get a few off flakes on the other colors. But you will get the hang of it. Use the silicon each time you add a new glitter... you can clean up the glitter and dump it back into the can, so hardly any waste I hope that this explains. I will leave them backless and magnetic for a fridge if thats what one wants. ... Sometimes.. you cut to hard and it cuts all the way through the card stock...A. I either tape it to add strength.. or I add white clue and once dry it too makes them stiff.

hope that explains